to the Salsa Savannah Dance Family!
Before you go...
We'd like to point out a few details that will make your dance journey more fun, and practical when we start dancing.

Perhaps the most important assistant in your salsa and bachata dance. For more fun and memorable experience, please bring shoes to allow you to spin around. By saying that we mean no boots, no flip flops, no high heels (low heels are ok), and no steel-toe construction shoes. Make sure your shoes have very low grips on the soles.

What should I wear?
First, the dress code is… there is no dress code! Just bring comfy clothes that allow you to move with no restrictions and flexibility. We prefer working out, or gym-type clothes. If you are just coming straight from work we have big enough bathrooms (three in total) so you can change into your comfy clothes.

Follow us on Facebook!
We post weekly class updates on our SalsaSavannah Facebook page. But you can also join the conversation and share your experience, videos, etc. through our Invasion Salsera group!